Foundation course in Chue Style Feng Shui
This is more than just a beginner course in classical feng shui. It is a stepping stone for many Chue Style teachings and further studies..
Module A is a 2-day foundation course that goes very deep into the origin of Feng Shui and understanding nature's laws and cycles.
We begin to understand seasons and their effects from a different perspective, we learn about the significance of Yin and Yang and we begin to evaluate the power of the form on our well-being and success.
We learn the basic principles of feng shui and evaluate room-by-room and how they affect different family members, body parts, and organs.
Module A is a must for anyone interested in real feng shui.
After completing this course, a student receives the certificate of attendance and can continue with Module B, Pure Ba Zi, or courses 'for all' (Chinese astrology for all, Dice I Ching for all, Feng Shui for all).
Get in touch for more information.
Price : 380.- Chf (12 hours/2 days) / Schedulue : 09:30-17:30 / Location : Apples
JOIN THE COURSE by email to or by Phone. +41 79 290 17 05
Céline Rey-Stump, Consultante et enseignante agréée Chue Style Feng Shui
Feng Shui for all
"Feng Shui for All (for undergraduates)"
Feng Shui for all is available for those with no prior knowledge of Feng Shui, as well as for Feng Shui consultants. The subject covered is extremely interesting and practical!
Feng Shui for all is also of great value for architects, interior designers, landscape designers, property developers, and urban planners who can incorporate new knowledge straight into their work.
It is a crucial course for any practicing Feng Shui consultant! This amazing Feng Shui course brings applicable information to homeowners ready to transform their homes and lives into a slice of heaven.
By the end of this course, students will be able to understand how simple Feng Shui relating to missing areas within forms of buildings and plots can affect a property, which in turn affect people’s life. It also explains the best placement for doors, windows, and furniture within each room using the powerful Sang Sit Method, unique to Chue Style Feng Shui. This course is an essential tool not only for Feng Shui consultants but for any professional in a property service-related field.
Module A is required to attend this course.
JOIN THE COURSE by email to or by Phone. +41 79 290 17 05
Céline Rey-Stump, Consultante et enseignante agréée Chue Style Feng Shui
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